Sunday, December 20, 2009

Party in the USA

I am amazed at myself. I had been hearing this song every time I went out, I even heard it on NPR. I really liked it, but I had not heard it on the radio, besides NPRE, to find out who does the song or anything about it.

Finally enough of the lyrics stuck with me to google the lyrics and find out the name of the song. Miley Cyrus sings it, Party in the USA.

I am shocked at myself. As a rule I don't usually like any of things those Disney brats come up with. My argument goes something like this, "Anyone that has the entire Disney magic machine behind it can get to the top with out ever having to display any kind of talent beyond not being fat or otherwise ugly." I hate watching how Disney does this, I think the Jonahs Brothers are proof of what I am talking about.

Miley, Hanna Montana, Cyrus bothers me in particular because you don't know what of her is actual talent or what of her was bought by her dads money. If my dad was a one hit wonder of a country and western singer I might of become an attractive pop icon too. So much of what we are and can become is determined by our place in Americas socio-economic class structure. These Disney brats are one big reminder of that fact.

But for now I am honestly enjoying (loving) the song, Party in the USA, despite the bitter sweet knowledge that Miley Cyrus and the Disney juggernaut are responsible for it.

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