Saturday, December 26, 2009

Being a single gay man in west michigan sucks

I was cleaning, all the week of Christmas, and I found this old paper that I got from a seminar I went to ages ago. This speaks very well to my situation. I have been looking for a boyfriend, or just people that are interested in getting to know me and see what happens. All I can say about it is that the west Michigan area really sucks for finding a date if you are a gay man at least.

I was talking to a guy on just a few minutes ago and I was really liking the conversation, cause it wasn't about cock size, how I like it, and what my stats are. It was a great conversation that ranged from how his uncle is a drag queen, which I actually have meet several times before, to his dads moonshine collection, to how much we both hate that thug attitude a lot of the younger guys have. Then he said something about his boyfriend.

Damn It!!!!

Anyway, about the paper I found.

Eleven tips for finding a partner

1. Take a look at all the people you already know. Your future love might be sitting right next to you.

2. Join activities that interest you to increase the chance you will meet other with shared interests. Even if you don't meet someone at least you are enjoying yourself.

3. Let your friends know you are looking.

4. Expand your pool of people.

5. Consider personal ads. (This blog post could be considered one big personal ad.)

6. Pursue people you are interested in. (The paper doesn't say this but if you are the one being pursued be nice and gracious if the answer is no, there is no reason to be offending about it.)

7. Let go if the one you pursue says no.

8. Don't turn every date in to a "Will This Be The One" assessment.

9. Don't look for love in places where you are more likely to find sex. (Nobody ever said, "I Do" in a bath house as far as I know.)

The last two apply especially to same sex partners.

10. Be out.

11. Have visible GLBT symbols in your life. (Yeah your out of the closet but how does anyone know you are gay. Contrary to some peoples beliefs we look like everyone else.)

Wish me, you, and all the rest of them luck.

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