Thursday, December 10, 2009

Does anyone really care about Tiger Woods!

Seriously does any one really care that he crashed his car, and slept around. I am kind of tired of hearing about it. I would even bother to say anything about it except it is all over HLN, which the only thing we are allowed to watch in the break room at work.

Tiger Woods even more so a nobody then most of the other profession sports people out there. At least most professional sports icons play on teams that have a little something to do with city or state pride. Tiger Woods just plays golf, and he only does it for himself, and all the companies that sponsor him, I am sure if they could make it look un-tacky corporate America would cover his ass in company logo decals every time he plays a round.

It even gets me that HLN interviewed Perez Hilton, I think that is his real name (He was the guy that asked Ms. California about gay mariage). HLN interviewed him about it. He is just a blogger. That is how he got famous. So you have some blogger with no real job talking about some golfer with no real job. Then which ever commentator is on HLN at the time says something about trying to dig deeper on the issue.

There is nothing there!

This is a hollow issue and most of the hard working Americans I know and work with every day don't give two sparks of piss about it. Mostly we just laugh about how stupid all of this is and nutty people behave when it comes to those with celebrity status.

What we really care about are the things that matter to our lives so here are a few things I have heard today that the average working class hero needs to know.

1. GM annouced that they were not doing any more downsizing beyond what they have already planned. They came out and said if they ever want to reemerge as a world leader automotive maker they need to stop slashing jobs, closing plants, and cutting car models and they need to focus on making quality cars that will sell in the new auto markets of the world.

2. China has blasted western countries for not doing enough to cut carbon emissions and not giving out enough cash to other countries to help meet the challenges of global warming. (BTW...China is the worlds largest emitter of carbon dioxide and burns huge amounts of dirty coal every day for electricity.)

3. According to a report on the BBC a Mc Donalds fast food location in Florida refused to interview a person and verbally assaulted that person because he/she is transgender.

4. Somewhat related to 3. Uganda is trying to pass a law that makes being gay a crime punishable by death. An American hate speech author has had his works sited by the Ugandan government and had been asked to speak before members of the Ugandan government.

5. Michigan has been under a blizard warning now for a full 24 hour period. Heavy snow has made daily commutes hard and in counties along Lake Michigan, such as where I live, lake effect snow has complicated an already tough storm.

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