Friday, October 5, 2012

Half an apple per acre

Making hard cider?  Maybe not this year.

It is October now.  We should be in the thick of apple cider season but thanks to the weather extermes of this year apple cider is in short supply.

There is a 127 acre apple ochard 6 miles from my apartment.  I went to pick up some apple cider, I need like 6 gallons to make a batch of hard cider, and found out that through all 127 acres they found a total of 6 use-able apples.  They have no fresh pressed apple cider this year.

There was an irregular warm spell in late Feburary early March that was strong enough to start the apple trees blooming.  Then mid March and April the weather went back to normal and destroyed the apple blossoms.  Then were was two weeks this summer of temperatures over 100 degrees and no rain.  All of this adds up to apple cider only being availble in chain stores, and for over 6 dollars a gallon.

I am now rethinking my brewing plan, Mead is now looking like the fall brew of choice.

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