Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Whiskey Barrel Stout. Yummm!

I cracked open my first bottle of Whiskey Barrel Stout and it is yummy.  Of course I am drinking this within an hour of leaving the dentist office from a deep cleaning and my lower right mouth is still numb, but what I am tasting right now tastes really good.

The whiskey flavor is definitely there but it is not so strong to overpower the typical beer flavor that one would expect from a Stout.  Of course you taste with your nose before with your mouth and the whiskey aroma coming off this beer is really nice too.  Over all I really like the way this beer has turned out and I expect I will be trying to brew another batch of this in the future.

As you can see from the picture this is a dark beer.  I would put the IBU's rating around a 20 or so I think, it is not very bitter at all.

P.S.  I am a bit of an indoor garden fan too and those are all bonsai in the back ground.

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