Monday, June 4, 2012

Woodchuck love!!!

Hard Cider is amazing and the only commercially availible brand is Woodchuck.  I have been a fan of Woodchuck Amber since before I considered my self a beer drinker.  I love the taste.  I love even more that they are explanding the flavors offered to more then just Amber. 

While I still like their Granny Smith flavor it is not a favorite.  I, just this weekend, tried Crisp for the first time as I went out to Clevland OH for a Dave Matthews Band concert.  I have got to say I loved it, but I drank 4 bottles out of a six pack along with like 5 cans of Lienehugle's Summer Shandy and didn't even get a buzz.  (The lack of any kind of buzz was even more upsetting when you consider that I had not eaten much of anything up to the point I was drinking and tailgating in the parking field before the concert.)

So I loved the flavor of Woodchuck Crisp, but I would recommend to anyone to mix it with a shot of vodka or you will never get there.  (There being drunk.)

As for my own desire to make hard cider.  I still need to buy two glass carboy's that are up to the challenge.  I also have 4 months still to go before fresh apple cider really becomes availible.  There is an apple cider mill about 7 miles away from my apartment.


From Blossom Music Center Chuyhoga Falls OH last night

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