Friday, May 18, 2012

Why is it still flat?

I have to admit I was really anticipating my latest brew creation.  I really like Hobgoblin Ale and wanted to try my attempt at copying it ASAP, but I bottled it on a Monday and was opening up my first bottle of it that Friday.  4 to 5 days is not long enough for this beer to be carbonated and ready to drink.

I opened up a second bottle of it today, after 12 days, and this was much better. 

The beer still did not have the flavor I was really going for but it is okay.  I tell that I put in way more chocolate malt then I should have and I actually think this is a good comparison for what an extra 4 oz of chocolate malt can do.

My next brew is also going to incorporate something new that I have not tried before, Oak Chips.  This is a kit and is called Whiskey Barrel Stout.

On a related but altogether different note....

I bought a 5 gallon paint bucket from Home Depot a while back and had been tossing all my spent grain, as well as orange peals apple cores and other "organic" trash, in to this bucket.  Like three weeks ago I bought some live worms from Wal Mart's fishing section to add to the bucket.  I was outside today working on my inner city garden, the planters and window boxes on the balcony to my apartment, and happened to look in the bucket to notice those worms have eaten through most of the grain and other compost ables I had in there.  In fact I scooped some of it out of the bucket to add to a new hanging planter I bought and saw worm larvae, a sure sign the worms are reproducing and healthy.

It might be a lame thing to be excited about I am excited that my worm compost idea is working.

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