Sunday, March 14, 2010

I know how to fix this country, Let Us Party!!!!

This thing has been on my mind for a while so I hope I get this off clearly in a way that makes sense.

Lets all party. Everything would be so much better if we were having a massive global festival on par with Carnival or Mardi Gras but on a global or at least national scale. It is amazing how we never manage to celebrate ourselves, although I thought was the original purpose of Labor Day and in a way Independence Day.

Lets face it though, this is an economic depression, many people are dealing with depression, and there is a great level of despair out there. A massive festival would be a great way to lift people up. Just think about all that Mardi Gras does for the economy and for the spirt of the people. Think about what it means to the people of New Orleans to still keep going even after the devastation that town has felt.

In the March 1st issue of The Nation there is an article that says as much. The article makes the argument that festivals such as Mardi Gras and Carnival do more to strengthen a community, create joy and hope, and even help each other and solve problems in a community. The article was called We Won't Bow Down.

I think I got what the take away message was from that article. If we are ever going to make anything of ourselves we have got to come together and festival is the best way to do that.

"I went to look at the worst things that happen to people and found some more hope in the resilience, the inventiveness, the bravery and occasionally the long-term subversion with which people respond."

As the article mentions there are many groups that represent nearly every aspect of our culture that participate in Mardi Gras, but I think the most interesting idea was that idea of subversion. This idea that a community can come together and skip over buisness as usual to help each other. The article specifically mentions subverting capitalism for the sake of what is right in the eyes of humanity.

This is why I say lets party. Let us all come together to celebrate with each other something that we all share. Maybe just maybe we would all learn to respect each other along the way and learn the importance of thinking of more then just ourselves.

Lets Party

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