Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Well Endowed Package

There are a lot of endowments for the arts. It is actually amazing how much funding the arts get in this way. But why does it always seem like traditional art is the only form, i.e. painting, sculpting..., that receives these things.

There should be a push to create cultural endowments too. I am thinking more about government grants then actual endowments but both would be welcome.

I am also thinking specifically about the culture, art, and history of the native tribes of North America. The culture is so spiritual and the art is so natural and beautiful. The history is so devastating and shows a whole other view of how the European settlers acted then they came here.

But imagine a government grant program to teach the language, art, history, and culture of the Native American tribes. As it is the languages of these tribes are fading with time.

A well funded program to bring these things in to the classrooms and teach the languages, arts, and cultures of the original Americans would do more to help us understand our own heritage and the true history of our country. And who knows maybe we would all learn to respect the native tribes a little bit more and give them a little of their dignity back too.

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