Friday, February 19, 2010

Union Leadership

There's an oxymoron if I ever heard one.

So 2010 is not only an election year for governor and a few senate and congressional seats, but the U.A.W. local that I belong to as well. And we'd better put on the boots cause it is deep over here.

We still have a few months before union elections, but already there are people out there introducing themselves and talking about how they feel about things. You will find that all of them have a fire in their belly and a general dislike for how the current leadership has been doing. They also are quick to remind us all that whom ever we have in the leadership positions will be the people that speak for us all at the bargaining table in 2012 when our labor agreement needs to be renegotiated. These people are very passionate about it too, they all have the same unhappy feelings towards the current contract we have with the company and the lack of ability or desire, seemingly at least, on the part of the union to fight for anything.

These are all good people though. I don't want to give the impression they are not, but the current leadership is even less effective at fighting for what is right then a Democratic Senate Super-Majority.

Everyone is most concerned with the fact that there really is not any clear candidates to hold election position within our U.A.W. local, and they are right there really isn't a good choice out there right now to run our local and fight for our rights under the current labor contract, let alone negotiate a new contract.

The problem, and reason for this is as follows.....

These people have all the passion and fire in the world, but we all feel that way.
None of them have any experience in organizing.
None of them have strong leadership skills.
None of them seem to have any experience with grassroots activism, which is at the core of what labor unions are all about.

If I actually cared enough about my jobs longevity I would throw my hat in the ring. I would lose because I have not worked there long and I am sure at least some people wouldn't want me running the union just because I am gay, but what ever. The main reason for doing so is that my experience in community organizing could dance circles around these other people and get others to think about what experience in organizing all these people have. Here is a short list of only the most impressive parts.....

Public Relations Director for Keweenaw Pride, (MTU gay, straight alliance group)
Campaigner and street canvasser for John Kerry 2004
Canvasser, precinct organizer for Democratic Party
Kalamazoo Community Aids Resource and Education Services Outreach
Kalamazoo Alliance for Equality
Project(!) co-founder (Aids prevention and community building organization)
Public and Press Relations, President, and Webmaster for The World Can't Wait

I know I am forgetting some things but this is just a list of the groups I held offices and committee spots for.

If the union would put some time effort and most importantly money in to building stronger leadership skills and get people that are active in community activism then not only would our local have good candidates to hold elected positions but all of our future prospects would be a little brighter.

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