Friday, November 20, 2009

Michigan unemployment

Next week is Thanksgiving. The plant I work in is partially shut down for the entire week and I was supposed to be part of the shut down. I would of gotten holiday pay for Thursday and Friday, a total of 160$ or about 120$ after taxes.

In an amazing twist of fate my holiday pay comes out to just enough to not be eligible to draw unemployment for the one week layoff, I know some states are different but in Michigan that is how unemployment works. My weekly unemployment is only 192$ a week, based on my last benefits determination from the last time I was laid-off. In Michigan the way unemployment works any income you make while on unemployment goes against your unemployment benefits, so.....

192-160=32 32-taxes=something like 25 i.e. just enough to be unable to claim unemployment for the week.

The only good news is that my boss understands my situation and found work for me to come in and do, which guarantees me a full week pay check.

It is just interesting that the unemployment system is set up in such a way that it would of been better to be unemployed with no holiday pay then to get holiday pay. This system would seem to be self defeating and discourages people from trying to make money.

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