Sunday, November 22, 2009

East Antarctic ice sheet may be losing mass

I have to admit, I am a big Al Gore fan, and look, it seems like he is right. I saw the headline above on and it seems kind of interesting.

Another entire sheet of ice that most people thought was totally stable is breaking up and losing mass. Unlike the sheets of ice they knew were breaking up this one alone could be responsible for twice the rise in ocean levels that the other two ice sheets would, the other two being West Antarctic and Greenland.

Where is the political where-with-all to start working on climate change in the United States, and why are there so many people in this country that are opposed to doing anything. I hate this argument that I keep hearing about why America should do anything while all the undeveloped countries don't have to.

Because it is the right thing to do. Because green industry doesn"t have to cost jobs. Green industry can create jobs!

In another great bit of information from NPR, our country has set precedent for making this happen.

In 1996 the Clinton administration created something of a bank, the only purpose of which was to issue cheap loans to communications companies to develop communications technology. All those 3G, 4G, and Direct Connect networks we all have came from that. It made your iPhone exist. The creation of that program started a massive investment in the telecommunications sector which was partly the cause of the huge economic boom of the late 90's.

Even now there are people that are pushing our government to create a new bank, the person being interviewed on NPR was calling it a green bank, that would provide cheap loans to companies willing to create a new green technology. You only need to see what impact hybrid technology and the Prius have had on the American auto industry to see that green is the future.

Another thing about that.... Do you know how Toyota developed the Prius and was thusly able to expand its market share. The Japanese government loaned Toyota, at a cheaper rate, the money they needed to develop the technology that became the Prius and the hybrid technology that has transformed the auto industry.

If Japan can do it and rapidly expand their global exports while making their cooperations stronger
, then why can't we.


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