Sunday, February 10, 2013

Coming Out Forever

I AM GAY!  So stop assuming I am straight.

I recently switched jobs at the auto factory where I work here in Michigan.  At my previous job all my coworkers knew I was gay and only a few of them had a problem with it, and yes they were exactually the types you would expect to be homophobic.

Now I work in an entirely different area of the plant with people that I have never worked with before.  In the first week all the typical co-worker banter was brought up, "Are you married?  Do you have kids?  Do you have a girlfriend?"  It is really hard to know people well enough to know if they open minded enough to come out or if it would cause huge problems to come out to them.  They are all women and I don't think there would be a problem, but people talk and rumors fly pretty quick in that factory.

I also have a lot of reservations about coming because I know there are alot of bigots that work in this area.  These pictures all came from the handicapped stall in the men's room on this side of the plant.  There are a few racially charged comments written on the walls too.  Seeing this doesn't really make me fell better about the idea of coming out at work, FOR THE 3RD TIME.

I am 31, I have been open about my sexuality for the last 12 years but I am getting really tired of having to constantly come out to people all the time.  I know I don't really seem "Gay" but why does that mean you should immediately assume I am straight.  More importantly why does it freaking matter.

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