Sunday, November 21, 2010

We need your money, please!!!!!!

I have been asked every day for over two weeks to donate money to some cause. (A co workers house burnt down, another co worker lost a daughter to a tragic accident, the United Way, Toys for Tots, U.A.W. local childrens Christmas party, random friends that need help, ect.)

The most amazing of these attemps to get money out of me was the United Way. What they did took balls. They came in to our work, most of us work for 10 bucks an hour and have a hard time making it. They brought us all to the conference room and were told all kinds of sob stories about people that had benifited from different organization that the United Way supports.

We were also told about a guy that used to donate over 1500 a year and how he died in a car accident and why is was so important for them to come out and talking to us like this.

Then they handed us our pledge cards and started talking about how much they can do with money. The amazing and ballzy part of this was asking us to set up a pledge deduction from our paycheck that would continue until we submitted to them in writting that we were cancelling our pledge amount. These guys were out for some serious cash.

The even better part was 2 years ago our union local was on strike over a new labor contract and when they went to the United Way asking for help so struggling families would still be able to eat the United Way said no claiming that it would be the same as taking sides in a labor dispute. (Back talk for, that Corporation donates alot of money to us and we will not do anything that would hint that we support the striking workers.)

So they are asking us for big bucks after having said they would not help our union during our time of great need.

I would also like to point out, who has money to give out like that right now. Starting wage where I work is 10 bucks an hour. Most of the poeple that I work with live almost paycheck to paycheck. I don't but I am paying out of pocket to go to school so I don't have it either.

Just saying. Something is wrong when people that are barely making ends meet are the ones being begged and guilt tripped in to donatting money they don't have.

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