Saturday, May 1, 2010

While You Were Out

It is really interesting to think about how quickly things can change in the world these days, but also how unimportant things can seem at times in comparison. Global events that would normally be the topic on my lips have been a side line item that I have not even known about until days after they happen recently.

My dad has been very sick lately, almost a month ago now we thought he wasn't going to make it in fact. His heart gave out on him and he now has a permanent heart pump in his chest. Before they did that surgery they did a scan on him and found a spot on one of his kidneys. Right now they think it is cancer but they do not know for sure since he has not been strong enough to do a biopsy on it. Currently he is much stronger then he has been. He is awake and gaining back strength everyday.

It is because of this that I have not really been as hip to what is happening in the world and it is amazing how this one even has so changed my life over the past month.

Even more so amazing is to think about everything that my dad has missed over the month, he has been largely unconscious for most all of it.

Just in the last month there has been a mining disaster in West Virgina, another devastating earth quake in China, a volcano causing havoc all over Europe, an oil platform exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, a massive oil slick now threatens many states along the gulf, just today an improvised explosive device was found in New York"s Times Square, and I am sure there are other current events that I am missing and maybe I didn't even hear of. But just look at that list for a minute.

That was just one month. Can you imagine waking up in a hospital bed turning on the news, hear all of that, and then finding out that on top of the heart condition you knew you had you also may have cancer but more tests are needed. How could anyone digest all of that, even just the news about the new health condition would be hard.

Before terrorism, before we exploited nature for cheap energy and profits, before we were Americans, before we were Chinese, before we had all the rigid labels that divide us we were humans, we were earthlings....And the struggle for good health and prosperity was enough to bring mankind together, for the benefit of all.

My dad might of missed all the events of the last month while he has been in the hospital, but we have all missed the realities of what is important in this world while full filling our own greed.

Here is to, good health, loving families, and caring communities for us all.

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