Friday, April 9, 2010

American Collegiate Students Union, ACSU

Why doesn't this exist. A national organization to advocate for college students and lobby politicians on their behalf.

I know that most college students don't need anything like this on a day to day basis. But with higher education costs rocketing up all over the country and universities cutting classes and programs, something needs to be there to protect the American College and University system.

My own problems with the current systems of higher education are amazing. I had a problem with losing my finacial aid for a year. Then I went to work and made too much money to be eligable the next year, but not enough to pay for school myself. Then I got back to school and some one that I was getting in a relationship with used me and took all my money so I dropped out while I tried to get my life back together. Then I re filed to go back only to find out that they messed up my re-admission and didn't process it until the semester in question had already started. Now that I have that taken care of they still can't fix my account so that I can register for classes because of issues with computer updates.

I can not be the only person that is having these problems or these complex of problems and it occurs to me that a students union would be needed.

The union would work like a standard labor union in that they would be there to fight for fair treatment and manuver people through the beurocracy and red tape of the American University system.

It should be free. There should not be any kind of mandatory membership fee. The union would generate revenue from advertising on its website. It could also offer a paid membership option that would offer special features to paid members. I.E. Newsletters, Study Aids, ect...

The union should allow students to connect with other students and teachers to exchange study guides across campuses as well as other information. (Some teachers just have better ways of organizing things and all students should have access to material that may help them better understand something.)

The union should have lobbyist in poltics that work to raise education standards and oportunites for America's College students while working to keep tuition rates and fees from going up.

The American Collegiate Students Union would work to make higher education more affordable for all and increase the quallity of that education.

Think about it. ACSU

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Funny the way it is.

My dad is in the hospital right now and has not been doing good. He collapsed after work Tuesday and my family and I have been in and out of three different hospitals since. We are currently at the University of Michigan Hospital, where everyone in Michigan goes when you are really bad off. Right now he is on a temporary heart pump, which is a balloon in his heart to help it pump.

We have family in the area that has been letting us stay with them at night, although tonight we are staying at the hospital. This morning on the way here he went in to cardiac arrest almost right when we were getting in the elevator to come up to his floor to see him.

But this is really not about that. This is about more.

There was a guy standing by a stop sign by a freeway exit with a sign asking for help. On the other side of the road you could see a golf course where four people wearing typical preppy clothes were on the golf course. One man was begging for food while another was playing golf.

I was planning to be bowling and drinking with friends on Friday, and now I am in Ann Arbor worried about if my dad is going to make it and how well he is going to come out of it.

My family never says, "I love you.", but we have been crying in each others arms.

Not sure where I was going with this post but ......