Saturday, January 30, 2010

Get rich quick!!!

A guy that I work with has been talking about this latest opportunity he heard of to start up at home business. I had been listening to him talk about it and I was interested since I am also interested in finding another income to help with the battle. So I was talking with him about it and he gave me a CD to listen to that doesn't explain a thing but makes it all seem so easy.

However, in course of talking with him I asked several times if it was like AMWAY. He would get kind of defensive and swear that it is nothing like that. So I though, cool, cause AMWAY doesn't work I don't know anyone that ever made better then they put in to it. Not to mention AMWAY is only not a pyramid scheme because there is actually something to sell.

This new thing my coworker was talking about is called Team National.

This is a pyramid scheme, at least the way they are presenting it.

Basically it is a group much like Sam's club where being a member gets you discounts on all sorts of crap that you buy every day. Unlike Sam's Club, however, Team National sells them selves to people as a way to make a second income or totally replace your current income. How do you do this? By selling memberships!!! The more people you get underneath you the more you make until you are getting checks every week and the money keeps building up and getting better.

Sounds great doesn't it!

What happens if you can't find anyone to join through you? What happens when the "savings" from being in the membership. What happens if things aren't the same for all and only a few ever reach the top?

It is kind of interesting to notice that the CD I listened to never once talked about how much membership costs. How much you can make on every membership sale. All the things you would need to know to know what you were getting in to.

About the time the CD reminded me that I am not selling memberships, but sharing an opportunity with my friends I knew it was crap. Even more that the majority of what I was hearing was just testimonials from the few people that had made it to the top level.

Why do people keep going for these things. The only people making out from these things are the guys at the top. If you don't know the guy at the top and didn't know him back when things started you are not going to make it, or at least are not likely to make it. Not to mention every person that falls in to these things gets stuck. These things prey on our hopes for a better life and most fall victim to huge personal losses trying to make their hopes happen.

I wish my friend from work the best and hope he is successful but I do not believe things will work out. I also can not be part to anything that uses others hopes and dreams for a better life against them to feel my hopes and dreams.

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