Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hobgoblin Ale copy

First off I am repurposing this blog. I used to use this to complain about politics and other issues that were bothering me, but that was not really getting me anywhere so I have decided to scrap doing that.

Instead I am going to use this blog to share my experiences with beer making, tasting, and so on. I am just wrapping up from a very late night brew of a beer style that is supposedly going to taste llike my favorite beer of the moment, Hobgoblin Dark English Ale. Here are my steps in the process so far.

Hobgoblin clone

Heating 3 gallons of water from Meijer osmosis
Added grains at 130 degress
pounds pale malt
pounds crystal malt
About ½
a pound chocolate malt
Monitoring temperature to keep below 160 for an hour or
until Family Guy, It’s A Trap is over.
After 60 minutes pulled grain from pot and added water,
large water loss from pulling grain sock.
Increased heat to boiling before adding hops.
After boil starts added 1 oz UK Fuggle hops
After 30 minutes from first hops addition added second .75
oz styrian hops
After 20 minutes added the last addition of hops
Let boil for 10 more minutes
Set outside to cool, about 29 outside
Bleach and rinse buckets
Transfer wort to fermenting bucket
Pitch yeast, White Labs, English Ale Yeast
Cover bucket
Set Air lock
Let sit for one and half weeks, will transfer to secondary ferment
bucket Wednesday night the 7th of March.